of training students in Donetsk State Technical University

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Authority of the Institute of International Cooperation of Donetsk State Technical University further referred to as University on one side and a person further referred to as Student on the other side came to an agreement concerning below mentioned requirements of training in Donetsk State Technical University:

Clause 1

Observing terms of the given agreement the University takes upon itself to train students in speciality


in Donetsk State Technical University ( City of Donetsk, Ukraine).Training is to start from beginning with the year of study if financing tuition fees are available.

 Clause 2

To observe terms of the agreement University guarantees:

2.1. To conduct training according to the curriculum and syllabuses approved in the University for the chosen speciality. The speciality will be taught in the ______________ language.

2.2. To grant free and rightful access to libraries, reading halls, sports and cultural complexes equally with Ukraininan students; to medical examination ( medical treatment is payed by Student).

2.3. To render assistance in formalities to receive exit and entrance visas ( in the established order) to travel to the native or to the third country and back.

2.4. University:

-is by no means responsible for paying Student's travel expenses to the native country and back as well as his expenses connected with travelling within the territory of Ukraine or to the third country.

- is not responsible for Student's family staying in Donetsk and does not provide it with dwelling space.

- does not bear expenses for deportation of Student's body and his things in case of unfavourable outcome of life.

- does not provide Student with grants.

- grants holidays in each term ( 12 days after finishing the autumn term and 1-2 months in summer). Duration of the holidays and their terms are defined by the curriculum of the given speciality (Student can be expelled from University if he is late for studies after holidays).

Clause 3

University has the right:

3.1. to cancel the agreement in case of Student's poor progress in studies, lingering illness ( more than 3 months), violating Ukrainian State Laws; illness contra-indicated to study in Ukraine.

3.2. to cancel the agreement in case Student fails to observe terms of it in time.

 Clause 4

To observe terms of the agreement Student is obliged :

4.1. To do his best to finance his tuition drawing in charity funds, organizations, individuals in the amounts given below so that financing is to be provided annually before September,1. Under University`s agreement the payment could be done in halves (50% of amount) each semester: 1st half - till the 1st of October and the rest of amount - till the 1st of March. In case of non-payment till the 1st of March the amount of payment rises up to 3% of the amount to be payed for each of 30 calendar days starting from the 1st of march.

Student is to provide the guarantee letter approving guarantees of financing for a certain period of time, or to pay the money on the account or to cash desk. Student is informed and agrees to the fact that the tuition fee in University equals to ________ US $ in Ukrainian currency according to the course of the National Bank of Ukraine existing for the day of guarantee payment, or in US currency. If Student fulfils the curriculum set for him successfully the amount of payment will remain unchanged during the whole period of studies.

Student is ( not ) expected to live in a _______ person room of Students' Hotel.

If Student is expelled from University an additional agreement is the only background for him to be nrolled again.

If Student is expelled from University for some reason or other deposited payment is not payed back.

4.2. to be respectful to Constitution of Ukraine, observe its laws, follow residence, travelling,hotel regulation and other kinds of rules set for foreign citizens in the territory of Ukraine. Duties and payment to budget which are considered to be compulsory ones by Ukrainian legislation are to be payed by Student.

4.3. to leave the territory of Ukraine within 15 days after completing studies or being expelled from University. University has the right to demand Student's ticket from Ukraine to the country of Student's residence or its money equivalent as a deposit.

4.4. to insure his life at his own expense and have a medical insurance;

4.5. to submit to University a copy of a complete secondary education certificate, medical certificate, confirming absence of contra-indication to live in Ukraine attested in the notary office and 8 photos ( 4x6 cm).

4.6. to attend all kinds of studies envisaged by the curriculum and time table; to liquidate gaps in studies because of illness ( if any) in Student's free time and in co-ordination with the instructor ( good reasons being illness confirmed by the document given in the Students' Hospital). In such a case the instructor's work input as well as other necessary expenditures is payed by Student.

4.7. to have an insurance certificate of an insurance company proving your payment for urgent medical help;

4.8. Demage to University's property caused by Student, volentarily or not, must be compensated without delay.

Clause 5


5.1. The sides are expected to settle arising disagreements by means of talks.

5.2. In case of disagreement the question is to be settled basing on International Law.

5.3.All stated above is absolutely clear for Student.

5.4.This agreement comes into force after the quarantees of financing tuition expenditures have been submitted.

signatures of the sides
